Valued Added Services
Ad-Tech CCI offers a variety of value added services that reduce labor, ordering time and complexity for the end customer. A single Ad-Tech CCI part number for Din-Rail Assemblies eliminates the need to purchase and assemble multiple control components.

Din Rail Assembly - Ad-Tech CCI can provide complete din rail assemblies with terminal blocks marked, other din rail components mounted, and din rail mounting provisions for the end-user. The benefit to the end-customer is a reduced parts set that needs to be purchased for repetitive sub-assemblies in a control cabinet.
Custom Terminal Markers (Weidmüller) - Terminal Block Markers for Weidmuller and other brands can be provided to your print specifications. Our capabilities also include switch marking of 25 and 30 mm legend plates, “clip-on” wire markers. Device markers for a variety of motor control equipment and circuit breakers such as ABB, Siemens and AB are also available in custom print configurations.
New Switch Engraving and Assembly - Ordering multiple components that make up a complete switch is simplified by Ad-Tech's value added switch assembly service. Ad-Tech can often reduce lead times by ordering components only and assembling the switches in house. Custom engraving on switches and pilot devices is also availibe.
Need a quote or to place an
order please email us or
call 800-221-1014
Din Rail Assembly
Custom Terminal Markers
Custom Labels
Cut Din Rail and Wiring Duct
Switch Engraving and Assembly