Din Rail Assembly
If you have a .CAD file of your desired din rail assembly
please email the file to esales@ad-techcci.com
or to your inside sales representative and we will provide quotation, minimum order quantity and lead time.
If you do not have access to a .CAD file follow the steps below to create a custom din rail assembly using Weidmüller Configurator.
Step 1: Download the Weidmüller Configurator.
Step 2: Create your custom Din Rail Assembly using Weidmüller Configurator to quickly select from a wide range of control components, including terminal blocks, relays, power supplies, and signal conditioners.
Step 3: Save your Weidmüller Configurator .conf file and send the file to esales@ad-techcci.com or to your inside sales representative. You may also convert the .conf to a .CAD file to email if you prefer.
Step 4: Quotation will be provided within one business day, including price, lead time and minimum order quantity.